I love making stickers for fun, and I even have a file called fun.ai dedicated to it. Occasionally, I'll get requests from new restaurants that have just opened, or I'll create new designs during my downtime, especially when I haven't designed anything for myself in a while. When I first started Esco Design, I imagined it as a pop-up market business where I could sell my art. Thankfully, client work has kept me busy, but when I have some free time, I enjoy designing just for fun. It's a huge creative outlet for me, and I love seeing how people react to the things I make.

I was approached one evening asked to make a sticker for this company. On the left is their logo. I thought it would be funny if I made a sticker of what the back of their logo would look like. We presented the stickers to the owner of the new restaurant and they loved it. 

This is how I made my Pokemon stickers. I like to reuse body shapes to keep other characters as consistent has possible. 

Once I feel like I have a design down I try to make as many variations as possible.
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